Friday, August 10, 2012

Five Year Goals

So today’s post is a little different, it’s not fashion or beauty related it’s a bit more personal…..something just to get to know the person behind the DIY’s and fashion post, more about the girl who obsessed and addicted to shoes! …. so since I am a very random person  and the other day I thought to myself OK I am 25(no one actually believes me I am 25 they always think I am way younger!..Story of my life!) Not married no kids, I finished school, started a career, I have done the whole early 20’s thing, I got board of it now what’s next??? So I wrote down what I would like to accomplish in the next five years and then decided to share some of my goals here to since this blog is part of my goals and life. So the following will be some of my five year goals and after five years I will come back and follow up! Hope everyone enjoys the post and why not leave a comment write some of your 5 years goals or write a post and link me to it!

So first I have to start off with going back in time!! I graduated High School 7 years ago at that time I kind of knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to study Fashion Design, but it was a little expensive for me since I had no money and no job, luckily a few months later I was offered a ok paying job, but I the job was only for about 3 months. 3 months that became almost 4 years of my young life!!!! So after working for 1 year I decided to give fashion school a try, and it was the best decision I have ever made. Fashion school wasn’t easy I saw a lot girls and guys drop out in our 3rd quarter, there were a lot of sleepless nights non stop sewing and drafting and being around fabric, pins and needles, studying, weekly projects, plus I still had work to worry about. If I wasn’t in school I was at work sometimes really late I think once I was at work from 8am to 8pm and the next day I had class and had to finish a project eat something in between shower and sleep for a couple of hours. To top it off somewhere halfway in my first year or beginning of 2nd year of school I was in a relationship! I had made a promise to myself when I started school of not to date until I was done with school…. yeah me and my big mouth! But I don’t regret it that relationship kind of help me figure who I was and what I wanted. Then a few months before graduation I quit my job…best decision I have ever made! I don’t know why I didn’t leave sooner?!? My health and life got way better, I wasn’t happy anymore, I wasn’t going to grow there ever, I was not going to kiss anyone ass and I wasn’t going to put my personal life in jeopardy. No one should ever stay in a place where you’re not happy.….so yeah that’s what I've been doing in the last 7 years…well obviously there’s way more things that happen in my life like births, deaths, good and bad times, times where I made bad decisions and followed by consequences and so on…..

Now for my goals for the next five years!!! Ok so right now at the moment what’s most important is my career, professionally I would like to manage a business of course in the fashion/beauty industry it’s what I love, I would love to own my own business but I think that would fall in my 10 year goals because there is a lot to do before that like pay off my student loans! Thankfully that’s the only debt I have and then I can get a place of my own  and finally have a whole bedroom  be a closet and office/work space…lol Another big one is work out more or just be more active, I don’t want to try to lose weight…I am happy with my weight but I just want to be more tone and fit oh that reminds me of a quote which I have to write it down somewhere and put it where I can always see it and remind me and help me get motivated… the quote says… “Skinny girls look good in clothes…Fit girls look good naked”…. I want to be able to run again and not get tired easily maybe even run a marathon or a half marathon, I think I should give yoga another try too but my entire goal is to feel good health wise.  I would also like for this blog to grow and evolve into something bigger , I am not sure what direction my blog will take but I am sure its heading in the DIY/Fashion direction, since I am a crafty person and I love sewing, building things and basically I just love to make anything. I want to do more outfit post because it's something I really haven’t done on here and I have a lot of ideas I have to share! I just have to find someone to take the pictures…lol but basically what I want to do with this blog is just show my creative side and show people that sometimes you just need basic things to look and feel great, inspire people in some way, my way, there are a lot of people who are already beautiful in the inside and why not help them bring all that beauty in the inside out. Sometimes it just takes a cute pair of shoes, a dress or some lipstick to make someone feel that they can conquer the world!  Something I’ve always wanted to do is travel, I would love to visit Dubai, Japan, Egypt…well If I could I would travel the whole world!!! But who knows hopefully someday?!?! But a big dream I have and I know will do it someday is to travel all over Europe and just take in all the scenery and the cool street fashion and can’t forget the Haute Couture and shopping!!! So in the next few years I plan to start traveling.  I am also a music junkie yeah maybe sometimes I don’t the name of the songs that get stuck in my head and keep singing all day but I would like to go to a couple of music festivals  like Austin City Limits, Coachella, Lollapalooza..ect.. Crossing my fingers I get to go next year to one! I always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride; I think I can do that next year  for my birthday. There is countless of things I want to do and I am working hard to achieve them and yes most of them are career related, I want to continue learning as much as I can and I don’t  want to ever stop learning and I don’t think I will ever stop. I know I said that my career is what’s most important to me right now and it is but hopefully somewhere in the next five years I’ll find someone to share my life with my best friend, the man who is going to ask my dad for my hand before proposing to me (yeah I know that sounds old fashion, but the man that will love me will do it), getting married, kids the house and all that. Aahhh I can’t wait to have kids they are going to be some stylish babies! I want  a lot of kids but  let’s  be responsible two or three would be great, but who knows first I need  to find the father of my future babies…lol  now that is going to be a challenge!….. I have always neglected  this part of my life…dating, I have done a couple of times not much, I don’t  think I am picky I just know what I want from a man, I know I have a lot to offer a man and it’s not that I haven’t found what I want it's just that maybe some men think I have so much going on and I know what I want and where I want to go, I guess that scares some of  them off, But I know I will eventually find that person or maybe he will find me who knows it maybe tomorrow in a year or in five years, maybe I already know him maybe he is still a complete stranger, he may be just across the street or across the world who knows  life is filled with unexpected surprises.  All I know is that whoever he is has to maybe not love but understand that fashion is part of me and my life and I will never leave it, it’s part of the package!  So there are just a couple of goals I have, I’ll be back in five years to see what I have accomplished.

Thanks for visiting!


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